
Junior Assistant - Dist. Office Town & Country Planning Recruitment - December 2017

Application are invited from intending and eligible Candidates, who are citizens of India and having registration no. in Employment Exchange in the state of Assam as defined in the Constitution of India in the prescribed Standard Form of Application as given in Part-IX of the Assam Gazette, for filling up the following Vacancies in the post of Junior Assistant under Office of the Deputy Director, Town & Country Planning, Barpeta, in the state and carrying the following pay band plus Grade pay with other allowance as admissible under rules.

Name of the Post: Junior Asstt.

No of Post: 2 (OBC/MOBC -1 , ST(P) -1)

Pay: PB-2, Rs. 14000 - Rs. 49000 + Grade pay Rs. 5600

Age: candidate must not less than 18 years and not above 43 years as on 1st January 2017. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for ST(P) Candidate.

a) Graduate from any recognized university.
b) The candidates must possess a minimum 6 (Six) months Diploma/Certificate in Computer from Govt. recognized Institute.

Mode of Selection:
The Candidates whose applications are accepted will be required to appear in a written test on a date to be notified later on.

Application Fees:
I. For OBC/MOBC/ST(P) Candidates = Rs. 150.00 (Rupees One hundred Fifty) Only.
II. Candidates having BPL Certificate & Person with disability Candidate = NIL.
Fees Should be deposited only through Treasury Challan in the Head of Account “0070-other Administrative Services-60-Other Services-800-other receipts”.

How to Apply:

Required Testimonials to be attached to the Application and be duly attested. The applicant should submit their application along with photocopies of all testimonials duly attested regarding qualification, age, caste, employment exchange registration card, Caste certificate, Disability certificate (in case of a person with Disabilities) issued by competent authority, Original Treasury Challan, Copy of BPL certificate in case of a candidate of BPL families and two recent passport size photograph of the candidate with his/her signature at the top. The self-addressed envelope of size 10″ x 4.5″ affixing postal stamp of Rs. 5/- must be enclosed with the application.
Last date: Application should reach the undersigned on or before 28-12-2017. The application should be addressed to the Deputy Director, Town & Country Planning, Barpeta, P.O. + Dist :Barpeta. Any application received after the date as well as an incomplete application shall not be entertained. Government servants should apply through proper channel.


1. The undersigned shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
2. The candidates whose applications are accepted will be required to appear in a written test. Those candidates who qualify for the written test will be called for computer test and Viva-voce.
3. Candidates should clearly be mentioned the post applied for in bold letter on top of the envelope containing the application.
4. Canvassing directly or indirectly shall disqualify a candidate.
5. The selected candidates will submit an undertaking to the appointing authority that they will abide by the New Pension Rules of the Govt. issued vide Finance Departments letter No. BW-3/03/Pt-ii/1 Dated. 25-01-2005.
6. The unsigned and incomplete application and the applications submitted after the scheduled date will not be accepted.
7. The eligible candidate will be intimated by call letter & email.
8. The application must be mentioned their email & Mobile No. in the top of the application form.

Important Section:

*For detailed information, please check the official advertisement from below.

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Application Form

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