Download Admit Card
1. The Written Examination will be held on
2. The list of candidates who have been found eligible to sit for the Written Test will be uploaded to the website Applicants are advised to go to the above-mentioned website and check the Written Examination venue in which they will have to appear.
3. All information/instructions to the candidates and the Admit Cards will be available on the above website from 10.01.2018.
4. Candidates should visit the above website and download their individual Admit Card. They should also download the instructions.
5. The Examination Centre is mentioned on the Admit Card. No change of Examination Centre will be entertained.
6. All candidates are required to produce their Admit card in the examination center. Without Admit Card no candidate will be allowed to sit for the Written Examination.
7. No Mobile Phones, Calculators and any kind of communication devices will be allowed to carry inside the’ Examination Centre.
8. Eligibility of candidate is checked on the basis of the information provided in their Application Form. Being called for the Written Examination does not automatically render the candidate eligible for the post of Junior Administrative Assistant.
Download Admit: Here
Download Registration Number