
Junior Assistant DC Office Recruitment - November 2017

In pursuance of Govt. Approval accorded vide letter No. GAG(B)-243/2014/99, dated- 23/10/2017, applications are hereby invited from the intending candidates for filling up the following sanctioned vacant posts of Junior Assistant under the amalgamated establishment of the Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup, Amingaon. The application should be submitted in the Standard Form as published in Assam Gazette in Part-IX, together with a Treasury Challan.

Name of the post: Junior Assistant

No. of post: 20 (STP-1n OBC/MOBC-4, UR-15)

Scale of pay: Rs. 14,000/- to 49,000/- GP– 6200/- (PB-2) per month plus other allowances as admissible as per rules.

Educational & other Qualification:
1. The candidate must have passed Degree Examination in any discipline from a recognized University or any examination declared equivalent thereto.

2. (a) The candidate must have possessed a minimum 6(six) months Diploma in Computer Applications/ Knowledge from an Institute recognized by the Govt. &
(b) Must have good working knowledge of office productivity software tools (Independent) of any operating system such as MS Windows, Linux, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation Graphics, Concept of Database, Internet, e-mail etc.

Age limit: As per -Govt. O.M. ABP-06/2016/04, dated-. 03/03/2016, candidates must not be less than 18 years or not more than 43 years of Age as on 01.01.2017. The upper age is relaxable by 5 years in case of the candidates of SC/ST and Persons with Disabilities.

How to Apply:

1. The application should be submitted in the Standard Form as published in Assam Gazette in Part-IX, together with a Treasury Challan.

2. Attested copies of all certificates of educational and other qualifications, age, caste along with other testimonials and Original copy of Treasury Chalan.

3. Two copies of recent passport size photograph duly attested by Gazetted Officer.

4. The applicants will enclose a self-addressed envelope affixing Postal Stamp of Rs.5/- along with the application.

5. Application and other documents should be put inside an envelope, on which the applicant should clearly mention the post applied for.

6. Eligible Candidates send Application to Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup, Amingaon

Application Fee: Application should be submitted in the Standard Form as published in Assam Gazette in Part-IX, together with a Treasury Challan of Rs. 250/- ( Rupees Two Hundred Fifty) only, in case of SC/ST candidates Rs. 150/- ( Rupees One hundred fifty) only as application fees to be deposited under the Head of Accounts “0070-Other Administrative Services -60- Other Service-800-other receipts” and reach the office of the undersigned on or before 30/11/2017 up to 5.00 P.M.

Selection Procedure:

1. i) General English,: 75 Marks
ii) General Knowledge: 50 Marks
iii) Quantitative Aptitude: 25 Marks
2. Knowledge of Computer (Theory): 50 Marks
3. Language Skills in Assamese/Bodo/Bengali/Alternative English: 50 Marks
4. Computer Proficiency (Practical): 50 Marks

Important Section:

Last Date: 30/11/2017 up to 5.00 P.M.

*For detailed information, you can check the official advertisement from below.

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