Clarification Regarding B.Ed/ 50% Marks in Master or in Graduate Degree
It is for general information to all aspiring candidates of Medium wise Teachers Eligibility Test(TET) for Graduate Teachers' under Secondary Education, Assam in Assamese/Bengali/Bodo/Hindi/Manipuri medium, vide advertisement No RMSA/Special TET/842/2017/80 dated 31/07/17 (Assamese medium), RMSA/Special TET/842/2017/85 dated 31/07/17 (Bengali medium) ,RMSA/Special TET/842/2017/70 dated 31/07/17 (Bodo medium), RMSA/Special TET/842/2017/75 dated 31/07/17 (Hindi medium) , RMSA/Special TET/842/2017/65 dated 31/07/17 (Manipuri medium) that the partial modification has been done in the eligibility criteria for the applying the aforesaid TET Examination. Revised eligibility criteria are as follows –
1. Online applications from the candidates those who have appeared in the B.Ed final Examinations shall be accepted subject to clearing the B.Ed qualification by the scheduled date of aforesaid TET examination.
2. Online applications from the candidates those who have either 50% marks in their Master Degree or in Graduate Degree shall be accepted for the said TET as per NCTE norms mentioned at Sl. No. 4 in the Schedule of Gazette Notification dated 12.11.2014.
However, aspiring candidates may note that after qualifying the TET for subsequent appointment in the Govt/Provincialized schools as per the vacancy and advertisement by the SMDCs’ the qualifications and eligibility criteria shall be as laid down in the Service Rules of Secondary Education, Assam.
Source: Click here