Director of Technical Education
Written Test - 30th July 2017
Important Notice About Junior Assistant, Asstt. Store Keeper Under DTE, Assam
Written Test - 30th July 2017
Important Notice About Junior Assistant, Asstt. Store Keeper Under DTE, Assam
In connection with the Written Test for recruitment of Junior Assistant/ Assistant Store Keeper under Directorate of Technical Education, Assam, to be held on 30th July 2017 at different centers in Guwahati all the candidates are to note the following.
- The candidates should reach the Examination Centre at least half an hour before the specified time of examination and they are requested to maintain discipline and make Queue for entering the venue. He/She will be allowed to enter in the Examination Hall/Room 20 minutes before the commencement of the examination. No candidate will be allowed to enter the Examination hall after 20 minutes of the commencement of Examination.
- The Candidate must bring the ADMIT CARD (with PASSPORT SIZE COLOURED PHOTOGRAPHS posted in the two spaces specified in the ADMIT CARD with crossed signature) issued by the Directorate of Technical Education, Assam, Kahilipara Guwahati-19 in his/her name and to show the same to the invigilator/ Security Person of the respective Examination Venue/ Hall/ Room. Candidates without such Admit Card will not be allowed to enter the Examination Venue/ Hall/ Room in any case.
- In addition, to Admit Card, the Candidate must bring IDENTITY Card such as Driving License/ PAN Card/ Passport/ Voter Id in Original for Identification/ Verification as required.
- The candidate must bring good quality BLACK BALL POINT PEN ONLY for the Examination.
- The following items are strictly prohibited and not allowed to bring with the Candidate.
- Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Pager or any other Electronic Devices.
- Book, Magazine, News Paper, Rough/Loose Paper, Long Table, etc. except Admit Card.
- Pencil, Eraser, Sharpener, Roller/ Scale, Drawing Box, Instrument Box, Calculator, etc. expect Good Quality Black Ball Point Pen.
- Authority will not take any responsibility for keeping these items in safe custody. So, it is advisable not to bring these items to the Examination Venue. Co-operation of all the extremely desirable.
- No one will be allowed to leave the examination Hall/ Room temporarily during the Examination
- No candidate can leave the Examination Hall/ Room until the end of Examination.
- Further, the candidates have two separate Admit Cards for both the posts can appear the Written Test in any one of the Centers allotted in the Admit Cards and submit both the Admit Cards to the invigilators as a proof so that their candidature can be evaluated for both posts.
Admit Card:
Junior Assistant, Assistant Store Keeper Admit Card (DTE) - July 2017
- Candidature of any candidate will be canceled if he/she is found to adopt unfair means, in any form or violating the above instructions and instruction given by the Examination Supervisors or Invegiators.
- The candidate must not that his/her admission to the examination is strictly provisional. His/Her candidature is liable to be canceled at any stage if and when any ineligibility condition is detected and any of the particulars declared by the candidate in the application is found to be false. The candidate must not that the Directorate of Technical Education will take up the verification of eligibility condition i.e. age, educational qualification and case category, etc. only after the candidate has qualified for the Computer Proficiency Test.