Deputy Commissioner
Kamrup, Amingaon
Last Date: 14/07/2017
In pursuance of Govt. approval for filling up of 19 (Nineteen) Numbers of vacant sanctioned posts of Mandal vide letter RLR-158/2010/158, Dated 20-04-2017 applications are invited from the intending candidates in Standard Form as published in Assam Gazette in Part-IX, who have passed H.S.L.C. examination or equivalent examination with 6(Six) norths Recorders' Course Class Certificate from the Assam Survey and Settlement Training Centre, Dakhingaon, Guwahati only and the Addl. Mandal, working/retrenced from any Settlement. ReSettlement Operation of Assam, for filling up the following 19 (Nineteen) Nos. of vacant posts of Mandal under the amalgamated establishment of the Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup, Amirgaon.
Name of posts: Mandal
No of posts: 19 (Nineteen)
No of posts: 19 (Nineteen)
Age: Candidate must not be less than 18 Years or more than 38 Years of Age as on 1-1-2017. The upper age is relaxable by 5 years in case of the candidates of SC,ST and PH.
Pay: RS. 14000-49000 Grade Pay Rs. 5600-(PB-2)
Educational Qualification: Passed H.S.L.C. examination or equivalent examination with 6(Six) norths Recorders' Course Class Certificate from the Assam Survey and Settlement Training Centre, Dakhingaon, Guwahati only and the Addl. Mandal, working/retrenced from any Settlement. ReSettlement Operation of Assam
Selection Procedure: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Cornputer test and oral interview.
How to apply: The application must be accompanied by the following
a. Self Attested copies of all certificates of educational and other qualifications, age, caste along with other testimonials.
b. Two copies of recent passport size photographs duly attested by a Gazetted Officer,
c. The applicants are required to enclose a self addressed envelope affixing Postal Stamp of Rs.5- along with the application,
d.Application and other documents should be put inside an envelope, on which the applicant should clearly mention the post applied for.
For detailed information you can check the official advertisement from below.
b. Two copies of recent passport size photographs duly attested by a Gazetted Officer,
c. The applicants are required to enclose a self addressed envelope affixing Postal Stamp of Rs.5- along with the application,
d.Application and other documents should be put inside an envelope, on which the applicant should clearly mention the post applied for.
For detailed information you can check the official advertisement from below.