


Opening Date: 06/04/2017
Last Date: 20/04/2017

Online applications are invited from the candidates willing to work in mission mode for engagement on Contractual Basis for the following posts in different programmes under National Health Mission (NHM), Assam. Candidates have to apply online in the NHM, Assam website: www.nrhmassam.in


Name of posts:
  1. Consultant (Civil Works) 
  2. State Programme Manager 
  3. Consultant (Child Health) 
  4. State Coordinator (State Blood Cell) 
  5. State Consultant (Quality Monitoring)
  6. Addl. Consultant (MH) 
  7. Addl. Consultant (Civil) 
  8. Project Engineer (Civil) 
  9. Data Analyst 
  10. Audit Officer 
  11. Hospital Administrator 
  12. Assistant Accounts Manager / Accountant 
  13. Specialist (Cardiologist/ General 
  14. Medicine), NCD
  15. District Programme Officer, NCD 
  16. Finance cum Logistic Consultant, NCD 
  17. Physiotherapist, NCD/ RBSK 
  18. Rehabilitation Worker, NCD 
  19. Sr. Consultant, Training, SIHFW 
  20. Consultant (Maternal Health), SIHFW 
  21. Consultant (Pediatric & Neonatal Service), SIHFW 
  22. Epidemiologist, SIHFW 
  23. Urban Health Consultant, Urban 
  24. Urban Health Coordinator, Urban 
  25. Data Manager, IDSP 
  26. District Vector Borne Disease Consultant, NVBDCP 
  27. Procurement and Supply Chain Management Consultant, NVBDCP 
  28. Statistical Assistant, NVBDCP 
  29. Manager, DEIC, RBSK 
  30. District Coordinator (ARSH/WIFS/R BSK), RBSK 
  31. Speech Therapist/ Audiologist, DEIC, RBSK 
  32. Dental Technician, RBSK 
  33. Optometrist, RBSK 
  34. Social Worker, DEIC, RBSK 
  35. Psychologist, DEIC, RBSK 
  36. Early Interventionist cum Special Educator, RBSK 

Age: (please check the above image or advertisement below)

Pay: (please check the above image or advertisement below)

Educational Qualification: (please check the above image or advertisement below)

Selection Procedure: Candidates will be selected on the basis of interview.
Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview for which no TA/DA will be paid. 
The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons thereof. Merely having the requisite qualification & experience will not render the applicant eligible for shortlisting.

How to apply: (Online Application will be available from 6th April onwards)

Online application will be received till 20/04/2017. Candidates without the above-mentioned qualification need not apply. The schedule of interview/ selection test for the respective post will be published in the website www.nrhmassam.in in due course of time along with the list of provisionally shortlisted candidates. All applicants are advised to visit the website accordingly. No separate individual call letter for interview/ selection test will be sent. 

[N.B: The earlier advertisement regarding interview for the post of State Programme Manager, vide no. NHM/HRD/SPM/2607/201516/17321, dated 03/01/2017 & the post of State Coordinator (State blood cell), vide no. NHM/Esstt/Adv/2512/2015-16/4748 dated 30.08.2016 & the posts of Rehabilitation Worker, Assistant Accounts Manager, vide No. NHM/HRD/Adv/2512/201516/13141, dated 15/10/2015 & the post of Physiotherapist, vide No. NRHM/Esstt/Adv/115/08-09/Pt-II/18861 dated 18/02/2015 & the post of State Consultant (Quality monitoring), vide no NHM/HRD/Quality Assurance/2493/2015-16/14259 dated 02/11/2015 are hereby canceled.]

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