
Chief Inspector Of Boilers, Assam Recruitment 2017

Last Date: 22/03/17

Application in standard form as prescribed in the Assam Gazette in Part-IX are invited in sealed envelope from the intending eligible candidates who are bonafide citizen of India vide Article -5 to 8 of the Constitution of India for filling up of the following Vacant under the office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers, Assam, Lalmati, Guwahati-29.

Name of post: Junior Assistant

No. of posts: 5(Five)={3(Three) UR, 1(One) ST(H) 1(One) Person with Disability (PwD) }

Scale of pay : Rs.5200/- - Rs.20,200/+GP+ Other allowances as admissible. 

Educational Qualification:
1.A candidate must possess a Bachelor Degree from a University/Institute recognized by Govt. of Assam or any examination declared equivalent by the Government. 
2. Must possess computer skills for handling data and text on computer including computer typing both English and Assamese

Age as on 01.01.2017 : 18 Yrs-38 Yrs.Relaxation as shall be given to reserved category as per rule in force. 

How to apply: The application in standard form must be accompanied and by the following- 
a) Copies of all certificates / mark sheets in support of educational qualification other qualification , age , caste and valid employment exchange Registration card. 
b) Two copies of self- attested recent passport size colour photograph. 
c) A self –addressed envelope (size 22 x 10 cm) affixing postal stamp of Rs.5 only. 
d) Original Copy of Treasury Challan showing deposit of application Fee under the Head of Account “0230- Labour & Employment, 103-Fees for Inspection of Steam Boilers” 
Fee : 
i)General –Rs.250/- ( Rupees Two hundred fifty) only. 
ii) SC/ST/ OBC- Rs 150/- (Rupees One Hundred and Fifty) only. 
iii) Candidate having BPL Certificate- NIL.
A valid and readily accessible E-mail ID of the candidates must be mentioned in the application form.
The candidates should submit/send their application to the office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers Assam, Lalmati, Guwahati-29. 
The last date of receipt of application is 22.03.2017. No application will be entertained after 5.00 P.M. of the last date fixed.

Selection process: Written test , Computer proficiency test , Type writing.

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